C.N.: I think it will be appropriate to our conversation to start with a dream I had this night, I don’t think I remember it very well but in any case there were a number of paintings, maybe there were five or six paintings something like that. Around this number, they were let’s say contemporary paintings most probably they were what we call abstract paintings but not in the style of lets say Pollock or other Italian artists like Afro but more with the… I don’t know the English word for it but – campite of colour.
G.L.: Oh yes.
C.N.: There were like strips of colours, different layers of colour.
G.L.: Were they defined strips, like an American painter. You know, that fuse together?
C.N.: No, it was a very large brush, I think with colours in a horizontal line, like a landscape in someway, and the part was if a frame would be appropriate for this painting, so I thought not, that the style of the painting was such that it was better without the frame. I remember that one of these paintings was Continua a leggere